Thursday, July 9, 2009

lantern lovelies

Yesterday, J retuned home after a visit to his Motherland. He brought one of the lanterns from our wedding with him. I think I've mentioned this before but since we got on a plane to NYC about 10 hours after our wedding most of the stuff from the wedding is still in Mississippi... I think my dress ended up at my Aunt's house in Dallas!?)

When I said that I wanted my best friends (bridesmaids) to carry lanterns instead of flowers some people thought that I had lost my mind. (The lanterns also doubled as centerpieces with other votives.) About a week after I bought all of the lanterns I received this Anthropolgie catalog in the mail with beautiful lanterns on the front and back covers. I was instantly affirmed in my decision and proceeded to carry the catalog around with me for a few days because the photoshoots in Morocco on the inside were just sooo lovely!

I even used the pattern on the glass from the lanterns as the inspiration behind the pattern that I created for our wedding invites!

1 comment:

paperlust said...

just for the record, i would never call you crazy for wanting your bm's to carry lanterns instead of flowers. they are beautiful and now you have something special to hang in your home (or outside your home) that reminds you of that special day.

i have been dreaming of mass amounts of lanterns lit up and gracing our backyard, and those photos are definitely going in my inspiration folder!